Dr.V.C.Mishra has been appointed as Prosecution and Defence Witness in various criminal trials.He is available as INDEPENDENT DEFENCE WITNESS IN CRIMINAL COURT TRIALS -
THE DEFENCE WITNESSES ARE ENTITLED TO EQUAL TREATMENT WITH THOSE OF THE PROSECUTION- (SUPREME COURT) THE EVIDENCE OF WITNESSES IN TRIAL WHETHER THEY DEPOSE FOR THE PROSECUTION OR DEFENCE IS TO BE JUDGED BY THE COURTS WITH SAME STANDARD OF THE TEST OF RELIABILITY. (ALLAHABAD HIGH COURT) Dr V.C.Mishra Forensic Document/Handwriting Expert-Delhi- has appeared as "PROSECUTION & DEFENCE WITNESS" in Courts as INDEPENDENT FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXPERT (u/s 45, Indian Evidence Act) in last 31 years. Read detailed Judgments 1- -Supreme Court Judgment- The apex court has held in case 'Dudh Nath Pandey Vs. State of U.P. AIR 1981 SC 911 "that the defence witnesses are entitled to equal treatment with those of the prosecution. And, Courts ought to overcome their Traditional instinctive disbelief in defence witnesses, quite often they tell lie but so do the prosecution witnesses". 2- -Allahabad High Court Judgment- In Satya Narain Vs. State 1985, Cr.L.J.966 "The evidence of witnesses in trial whether they depose for the prosecution or defence is to be judged by the Courts with same standard of the test of reliability. The defence evidence should not be bye-passed or overlooked by the Courts simply because the witness had deposed in favour of accused.The Trial Court, has to give cogent and convincing reasons for discarding the defence evidence".